Hiring the right person with the right set of knowledge for a job is the first step towards gaining a competitive edge. Most businesses struggle here due to economic constraints, lack of suitable candidates, and time limitations. Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) call center services can help here by providing the best talents for your organization in a cost-effective way.

We, at Beyond Borders Communication, have 8+ years of experience in providing Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) call center services to our clients from various industries. It enables us to understand the business requirements closely and select apt candidates for the job within the set timeframe. It is also a great way to distribute business risks, reap benefits from the best talent around the world, and save capital.

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Industries we serve

Our Best Service Combination

Account Outsourcing

Our account outsourcing service provides a cost-effective solution for all things related to accounting. Starting from day-to-day transactions to managing payrolls and reporting – our agents can proficiently handle these tasks.

Management Consultancy

We have a team of skilled managers who can manage your business expertly and improve ROI. They can assist you in operation management, development and coaching, tech implementation, process analysis, and strategy development.

Payroll Outsourcing

Most small and mid-sized businesses don’t have the resources or expertise to manage payrolls. As an outsourcing partner, we bring expert resources who can manage payrolls and ensure appropriate taxing.

HR Outsourcing

From consultancy to recruitment- we are a one-stop solution for everything related to your human resource needs. Our expert team of HR professionals can help you find the right candidates for your business. As a part of our Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) call center services, we can also assist you as a consultant regarding various HR functionalities.

Frequently ask questions

We serve 250+ businesses across multiple domains

In the dynamic environment of an ever-changing business scenario, everyone here looks for a quick response. Achieving business goals are just a part, but customer satisfaction still tops the list.

We offer a wide range of Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) call center services. These include HR services, accounting, book-keeping, payroll, and management consultancy.

BPO and KPO are two different forms of outsourcing. BPO call centers generally handle processes on behalf of a client, while KPO call centers handle information, knowledge, or data on behalf of a client.

It is best if you have an idea about how outsourcing your KPO processes will benefit you. However, our experts will help you find the Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) call center services provider that meets your outsourcing needs.

All our Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) call center services are priced reasonably and known for their high ROI. Therefore, there can be no doubt that our services are cost-effective.